Moss Engineering

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South Croxton
Leics. LE7 3RE

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                           Connecting Rod Little End Rebushing

The accuracy of alignment of the "Little End" in relation to the big end is absolutely crucial if the engine is to run smoothly and reliably for extended periods. The bore in the small end of the rod for the bronze bush has almost always stretched to an oval shape.  Our process is as follows:-

1)       Press out old bush

2)       Examine alignment of rod, as these have often been bent to try and restore “Little End” alignment.

3)       To hone the parent metal “little End”  bore to regain circularity and parallelism.

4)       Make a bronze bush to suit this bore with the correct external fit and its bore being undersize for final  finishing.

5)    Press in new bush blank


6)    Mill in the lubrication cutout.

7)        Load to a special holding fixture and bore to size minus 0.0005” on the correct pitch from the “Big End”  and  bored  true better than  0.001” in 1.000”.


8)    Oil groove bush as per racing practice

9)     Hone to achieve final fit to gudgeon pin.

Little End Rebushing Price :  £45.00 per Rod © 2003

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