Big End Reconditioning
Complete Replacement
The traditional method to replace both Big End and Little End bearings, is to press in standard replacement bushes which are made to suit the original factory produced size of bores in the rod. These bushes have material left in their bores for finishing.
Unfortunately after many years of use, the bores in the rod are oval, so a new Big End bearing ring soon becomes oval. Our procedure to re machine the parent bores in the con rod is more involved, but it will give a superior result.
To fit a new big ring as described and grind bore in situ.
Price £90 per rod
Regrinding tracks
It is often found that the con rod big end ring is worn, but the track is not pitted. It will measure on average 0.0025” oval. If the rod has settled to this state, then it is perfectly reasonable to re grind the bearing track bore oversize by approx 0.005” at a considerable saving over installing a new bearing ring. A crankpin bush would need to be ground to suit to retain the correct bearing operating clearance.
For re ground big end bearing ring in situ
Price £40 per rod