Moss Engineering

33 Kings Lane
South Croxton
Leics. LE7 3RE

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           'Moss' Scott Aluminium Chrome Lined Barrel

This barrel is made in LM25TF to suit the Moss crankcase and is "Silchromal"* lined and ground.  This gives a greater depth than other coatings which gives long life and durability.

Our No1 race engine is still on its first bore after 30 years and has a max. of 0.001" wear!

The barrel is normally supplied matched to lightweight Silk pistons but can be supplied to suit other pistons or capacity sizes on request.

Price     £1350

"Silchromal" is the registered trade name for an advanced electo plated surface deposit by Michrome Electro-Plating Ltd    see

   © 2003

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