Moss Engineering

33 Kings Lane
South Croxton
Leics. LE7 3RE

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       Reconditioned Flywheels

Scott Flywheels are prone to damage in the tapers, when the cranks are insufficiently well 'knocked up'. This can result in a lack of concentricity of the bottom end thus causing vibration and other associated wear and damage.

They can also suffer from wear to the face that the 'tang' of the gland abuts, and also the diameter that locates the sprockets and the holes that the rivets pass through .Also the Sprockets are obviously prone to wear.

Apart from that they are usually great!

Repairing tapers

To repair the tapers we have a special fixture to regrind them (though because this affects the position of the Crank within the flywheel, other associated work may have to be undertaken to complete the solution.

Price for Regrinding Taper :   £50

Repairing gland abutments

We drill and Tap an M3 hole at an angle into the wear point , and loctite a High Tensile grub screw. Filing to achieve a final size.

Price to Repair gland abutment wear : £10

Remachining Sprocket locations

To remachine the centre sprocket locations requires the manufacture of a new sprocket with its own centre bored to suit.

price to remachine flywheel sprocket location diameter (per side) :  £22

Repairing worn flywheel rivet holes

These are redrilled to a larger diameter which necessitates either the fitment of new sprockets or the manufacture of stepped rivets.

Price for redrilling sprocket mounting holes: £ 5

For Information on Sprockets (click here) © 2003

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